A sales presentation is your shop window, and dated, poorly-presented slides are a virtual
guarantee that a prospective customer will walk on by. Dispense with tired imagery and instead embrace state-of-the-art presentations. Let PowerPoint open doors, not slam them shut. Our approach will enhance your sales pitch, whatever the required target and whatever your
industry, with no goal too large or too small. You're expert at what you do; we complement that expertise. With Slide by Slide, help is at hand. |
When you tell us what you want, we'll understand. We do not work on a one-style-fits-all approach, but instead concentrate on delivering tailor-made presentations to ensure that our message conveys your message.
Create your design from scratch
Revamp an existing format, transforming your PowerPoint and Keynote presentations into compelling, high-end, animated visuals that bring home your message in an original, informative and eye-catching manner
Memorably enhance the communication of your data in a style unique to you
Ensure that you stand out from the crowd in a crowded marketplace
We are aware that different clients have different needs, and to this end we outsource expertise when and where appropriate to
utilise the specific skills of illustrators and animators to further enhance the end-product, leaving Slide by Slide to take care
of everything.
utilise the specific skills of illustrators and animators to further enhance the end-product, leaving Slide by Slide to take care
of everything.